Student’s Feedback on Curriculum

Name of Student
Enrollment No.
Academic year

This Questionnaire is intended to collect information relating to your satisfaction towards the Curriculum, learning and evaluation the information provided by you will be kept confidential and will be used as important feedback for quality improvement of the program of studies/Institution.

Directions:- A score for each point please indicate your level of satisfaction with the following statement by choosing between 1 to 5.

Excellent (5) Very Good(4) Good (3) Average (2) Poor (1)
S. No. Statements Rating (1-5)
1 How do you rate the syllabus of the courses that you have studied in relation to the competencies expected out of the course.
2 Coverage of modern advanced topics.
3 How do you rate the evaluation Scheme designed for each of the course.
4 Availability of text and Reference books related to course offered.
5 Sports and Cultural activities.
6 Industrial visits conducted during session.
7 Canteen facilities.
8 Medical facility.
9 Quality of tests and assignments conducted by Teachers for assessments.
10 Equipping the students for higher studies.
11 Overall rating.